Tuesday 14 August 2007

Tracing the Taylors

Today I have decided to put some effort into the Taylor branch of my tree. I have been flitting back and forth between different branches of the tree filling in bits here and there and not feeling like I have got anywhere really. So am rolling up my sleeves and getting stuck in to tracing the Taylors, filling in the gaps and finding out what life was like for them, where they lived and what it was like in Northumberland and Durham at the time they lived there.

So far I have back to John Taylor who was born in Northumberland, I have no dates but am guessing around 1775. He married Mary Donaldson and their son Moses b1800 is the only child I have managed to trace. By the time the 1841 census was taken he was no longer at home with his parents.

Right now I should be working so I’ll leave it there for now and get stuck in later when I get home (with a little break later to watch a bit of CSI on the tellybox)