Wednesday, 28 November 2007

Exciting News - The Burnt Documents

No, this doesn't mean I have my laptop sorted and it's printing off some hot news on the family tree, but it's just as exciting!!

Ancestry are starting to upload the WW1 Service Records. 

In 1940, during WW2, a German bomb hit the War Office repository in Arnside Street, London; destroying over half of the WW1 service records stored there. Many of the records which survived were damaged by fire and water and are located in series WO 363 at The National Archives. These were microfilmed by TNA as part of a conservation project.

Ancestry are now making these available through their website, starting with surnames A-C.

In my opinion this website is well worth the subscription, especially good as a starting point for researching your tree. 


ps Still awaiting confirmation from PC World/The Tech Guys/Coverplan, who appear to each in turn "not deal with this" but it looks good for receiving vouchers to replace the now lost laptop.

Monday, 19 November 2007

Laptop News!

There is none!! Which may or may not be a good thing!!

Hopefully by the end of the week I should ……….

a) Have it back all fixed and working :o)

b) Have some pretty vouchers for a new one

c) Be pulling my hair out and screeching at PC World!

I am secretly hoping that option ‘b’ is the one I am writing about come the weekend!

I have loads of things to add to my tree and lots of you lovely people who have emailed me that I want to send reports to, but the program for this is sitting on the lappy. Also my main tree is kept on and for some reason this website wont display properly on the macbook :o( All the dates and timelines are all over the place and it makes it really difficult to try to add things *sigh*

I am still also awaiting deliver of my copy of Wearside Battalion by John Sheen, the publishers say it’s “booked in” but Play are saying they don’t have any copies as yet! I was hoping this would prove an interesting read while my laptop was away. Never mind, patience is a virtue – so I’m told :o)

While I’m waiting for full service to be restored, I’ll leave you with this, which I found here à


WARNING: Very contagious to adults.

SYMPTOMS: Continual complaint as to need for names, dates and places. Patient has blank expression and is sometimes deaf to spouse and children. Has no taste for work of any kind except feverishly looking for records at libraries and courthouses. Has compulsion to write letters. Swears at mail carrier when s/he does not leave mail. Frequents strange places such as cemeteries, ruins and remote, desolate country areas. Makes secret calls at night. Hides phone bills.

TREATMENT: There is no known cure. Medication is useless. Disease is not fatal, but gets progressively worse. Patient should attend genealogy workshops, subscribe to genealogical magazines, and be given a quiet corner in the house where s/he can be alone with his/her computer.

REMARKS: The unusual nature of this disease is.....the sicker the patient gets, the more s/he enjoys it!

Sunday, 11 November 2007


Thursday, 8 November 2007

Mobile blogging

Yay if this posts i can now blog from my mobile ... Cool! :-)

Monday, 5 November 2007

Boyd Marriage

I think I have found the marriage of Silas George Boyd and Elizabeth Wilson (nee Bowyer) but only one side of the happy couple is transcribed.

There is an Elizabeth Wilson marrying in Croydon in 1890, no spouse details, I think this one must be it.

Marriages Q2 1890
WILSON Elizabeth Croydon 2a 361

Boyd, Boyd, Boyd, Boyd, Boyd's



I thought I’d have a little look at lunchtime today for the Boyd’s. Every now and then when I get a bit bogged down with one branch I have a little look at another to see if I can fill a bit in somewhere!!


Now I have more blinkin’ questions !!! LOL


OK The Boyd’s ……..Lets start with Great Granddad Boyd – Frederick George, 1892-1956. His birth certificate states he is the son of Silas George Boyd and Elizabeth Boyd, late Wilson, formerly Boywer.


Pretty sure I have Elizabeth on the 1901 census with Frederick George, but no Silas George. Also with an Alice and Eliza (transcribed as Elliot) Booser. I’m pretty sure the census doesn’t say Booser – or Boyd, or even Bowyer, but I can’t work out what it does say.  RG13; Piece: 637; Folio: 18; Page: 27. If anyone is feeling in a translatey kind of mood!


I have a marriage for Silas Boyd in 1888 but not to an Elizabeth…….and no other marriages after that for a Silas Boyd.


Marriages Q2 1888  


Boyd  Silas George              Croydon  2a 331  

Butler  Jane                       Croydon  2a 331  

Greenslade  Ann Mary          Croydon  2a 331  

SAYERS  William                 Croydon  2a 331  



No way of telling which one of these lovely ladies married the Boyd though, without ordering a certificate!


So it looks like I’ve set myself yet another task LOL


…….and still no laptop!!!!!!!!!! ß Look how PC World make me overexclamate!!!

